Carpal tunnel syndrome

Common symptoms that can not be ignored

Night pain: which is so intense that it makes you unable to sleep

Numbness and weakness of fingers, clumsiness: which makes it difficult to perform everyday activities such as writing, using a phone or grasping objects.

Shaking the hand: a common activity to relieve pain or numbness.

Warning: If the initial symptoms are ignored, carpal tunnel syndrome can cause permanent damage to nerves, causing irreversible weakness and clumsiness in the affected hand.

Imagine having trouble holding your coffee cup in the morning, or struggling with constant pain with every keystroke!


Ultrasound-guided surgery performed by Dr. Gábor Czigléczki is the most modern, minimally invasive solution for carpal tunnel syndrome, which can provide quick relief from symptoms, minimizing surgical risks and accelerating the healing process.

The picture shows the scar of a traditional cut performed by another surgeon (red arrows), while next to it is the scar of the ultrasound-guided method performed by Dr. Czigléczki (green arrow). The difference is striking!

Don’t let pain affect your everyday life!

If you would like to know if any of my treatments are applicable to you, please contact me. I will be happy to provide detailed information or consultation on treatment options.

Call us directly at +36 (30) 811-2374 (weekdays from 09:00 to 16:00).

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